The transcription of the capitel 56 of the Secret History that is called as the original Secret History is the transcription that was transcribed with Chinese pronunciation from the original of Uyghuro Mongolian characters, translated into Chinese letter by letter, and had free translation below each chapter. Mongolists and Sinologists across the world agree that the original was transcribed and translated considering every possibility of Chinese letter. On the contrary, Bayar, a scholar from Inner Mongolia said, $quot;Mongolian and Chinese differ greatly from each other phonetically, so that it is very hard and conflict to make a translation. For the scholars who are fluent in both languages, however, all of the transcriptions were successful even though every transcriber for several centuries did not transcribe completely.$quot; We should recall that there were books of copies named [ --- ] written with Uyghuro Mongolian characters by unknown transcribers and translators before several centtuies, and we have to devote ourselves to study the Secret History by studying the features of letters of historical books before the age of letter.