In the long term, the interchanges between Korea and Mongolia in various areas are inevitable and are to be encouraged. It is found that there have been profound interrelations between Korea and Mongolia in the cultural and educational development areas in the last 10 years due to globalization. especially culturally. And the global trend in education is related to the international transfer of the educational system. At the time of the introduction of foreign culture and education, both Korea and Mongolia were under very fragile political and economical conditions, and both countries unliterally received the educational system and culture of the corresponding nations. Even under the high dependence on foreign cultures, both Korea and Mongolia have maintained their identities. The educational systems have been adjusted at the time of acceptance in order to accommodate the particularities of their existing cultures. The similarities in historical and traditional aspects of Korea and Mongolia reveal that the transfer of educational systems show a considerable degree of integration and harmony. It is expected that Korea and Mongolia will continue to actively expand the social and educational interchange in the future; Mongolia is currently planning to continue the educational reform progressively with the target year of 2005.
1. 서론
2. 문화의 세계화 와 국가 간 교육 교류의 양태
3. 몽골 교육의 발전 및 교육 현황
4. 한국과 몽골의 문화 및 교육 교류
5. 결론