Түүхийн сургалтын хөтөлбөрт Монгол үндэстний нэгдмэл үнэт зүйлийг тусгах агуулга, арга зүйн судалгаа
Content and methological research on setting up integrated values of Mongolian nations into the history learning curriculum
In this article, the goal and purpose to clarify content and methodology how to set up integrated values of Mongolian nations into the history learning curriculum which is the one of the issues that was researched apporiximately rarely were determined, and the methods including theoritical induction and deduction, historical and content analysis, modeling and observation were used in this research. At the result of the research, it is really new and important because the research was addressed summary of history and theoritical grounds/basis on establishment of integrated values of Mongolian nations, determination of structure and system of integrated values of Mongolian nations, as well as providing with content and methodological standard version/format to set up integrated values of Mongolian nations into the history learning curriculum within the framework of all parts of the curriculum of Mongolian history. Furthermore, the research was made analysis in how national values was set up in the history learning curriculum existing and applying now in the General Education/Secondary Schools of Mongolia, as well as it was disclosed needs and requirements to set up integrated values of nations broadly and clearly. In the conclusion of the article, it was highlighted system and historical challenges of integrated values of Mongolian nations, it was also provided with conclusion that the core of these integrated values is national differency and identity of Mongolians, in other words it is the natural complex of values of state, territory, lineage/origins, history, language, culture, tradition and others which are devoted to similarize, thicken, unify, civilize us internally as well as differientate and indentify Mongolians externally from other countries and nations. Moreover, it was noted that it is important to conduct further research and analysis to set up and implement integrated values of Mongolian nations into other learning curriculums of secondary schools and graduate and post-graduate curriculums not only restricting within the learning curriculum of history which is directional rudder of integrated values of Mongolian nations.