최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Scaffolding for self-regulated learning through multilayered reflection activities

DOI : 10.17250/khisli.38..202109.006
  • 8

This study explored the potential to raise awareness of and promote self-regulated learning (SRL) through multilayered reflection activities (i.e., self-reflection, reflection sharing, and meta-reflection) in a JFL context. The study presented the pedagogical design of content-based reflective learning and of the reflection sheet as a support tool. The analysis examined how and to what extent the components of SRL emerged in the learners’ reflection. The results showed that the main components of SRL, such as motivation/affect, metacognition, and learning strategy, and their respective subcomponents emerged in the learners’ reflection. The emergence patterns of the components tended to differ according to the type of reflection activity. By continuously enhancing reflection activities in multiple layers, it can be possible to raise awareness of SRL components and to lead these components organically to the components of other phases in order to ultimately promote the cyclical SRL processes. The findings contribute to the pedagogical design that integrates reflection activities into lesson plans.

1. Introduction

2. Background on reflection for learning and self-regulated learning

3. Method

4. Results

5. Discussion

6. Conclusion

