조생종 벼의 평야지 재배에 따른 등숙 온도 차이에 의한 전분구조 및 종자 저장단백질 특성 연구
Effects of Ripening Temperature on Starch Structure and Storage Protein Characteristics of Early Maturing Rice Varieties during Grain Filling
This study was performed to understand the effects of filling stage temperature on the characteristics of starch and storage protein and the quality of rice grains. Eight early maturing rice varieties were cultivated in Cheolweon (latitude 38°15’N) and Suwon (latitude 37°16’N) areas in Korea. Rice grown in Suwon, with relatively high ripening period temperatures, showed significantly reduced head rice ratio and eating qualities, higher protein and lower amylose contents than rice grown in Cheolweon. In rice that ripened under high temperature conditions, the starch contained significantly less short-chain amylopectin (DP < 12) but more intermediate- (DP 13-24) and long- (DP > 25) chain amlylopectin compared to rice that ripened under normal conditions. In addition, the electrophoretic pattern of rice storage protein under high- temperature conditions revealed decreased prolamin and increased glutelin contents.
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