최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『대동아전쟁 육군보도반원수기』의 역설

The Paradox of 『Daitoa Senso Rikugun Hodohanin Shuki』: Through an Examination of the Case of Authors Who were Dispatched to Malaysia and Singapore During the 2nd World War

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During the Asia Pacific War, also known as the “Greater East Asia War,” many Japanese writers were conscripted as military personnel and mobilized for the media strategy of the military. In the case of these writers, the standard of evaluation for the writings they have left behind has been set on whether they were “cooperating with” or “opposing to” the war, but the limitedness of such a dichotomous approach has also long been pointed out. This paper aims to provide an interpretation of the writings of the Nanpo Choyo Sakka (Writers dispatched to the south during the 2nd World War), who have tended to be neglected in the field of literary research thus far, as not merely works of kokusaku bungaku (national policy literature), but as writings of a paradoxical significance. Due to the compilation of these writings, which were originally published in different journals, in a single volume, Mare Dengekisen (The Malay Blitzkrieg), the process of the change imposed upon the actuality of <Japan> and <ethnicity> by wartime dynamics has unexpectedly been brought to light.

1. 들어가며

2. “보도”의 함정

3. “양민증명서”의 역설

4. “판툰”의 기만성

5. 나가며

