최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아호다라쿄(阿保陀羅経)를 통해 본 나이즈쿠시(無い尽くし)의 방법과 계보

A Study on the Method and Genealogy of Nai-zukushi from the Perspective of Ahodarakyo: The Method of Rapid-fire Lyrics Stories, Word Plays, and Social Satire

本稿では、江戸末期から明治にかけて流行った阿保陀羅経が早物語で口演されたことや、口演された字尽くしなる言語遊戯の中に「無い尽くし」が多いことに注目し、その方法並びに系譜について調べてみた。 江戸末期の阿保陀羅経や瓦版に見える「無い尽くし」には、コレラの流行り、不景気、文明開化や政治事件など、幕末や明治期の混迷な世相を風刺する滑稽な内容が多いことが分かった。また、関東の阿保陀羅経に見える「無い尽くし」は物尽くしとしての要素が多い反面、関西の漫才阿保陀羅経などに見える「無い尽くし」は、字尽くしの要素が多いことが分かった。 次に、『枕草子』の物尽くしに「無い尽くし」のもっとも古い形態を確認できたのとともに、「無い尽くし」の世態風刺の起源を二条河原の落書までに遡ることができた。そして、無い尽くしを早物語の形式で口演した演説歌、あるいは阿保陀羅経をジャズ風に編曲した歌謡が明治以降流行ったことや、現代日本の歌謡に見る冒頭部のリフレーンがそれと類似することも分かった。『枕草子』の物尽くしに端を発する「無い尽くし」の形態は二条河原の落書に見る風刺の精神を受け継ぎ、江戸末期から明治にかけての阿保陀羅経の流行を生んだのである。

This paper focuses on the fact that the Ahodarakyo, Stupid stura(阿保陀羅経), which was popular from the late Edo period to the Meiji era, was spoken in a rapid-fire lyrics story(早物語). It turns out that there are many humorous contents that satirize the society in the “Nai-zukushi (無い尽くし)”, a collection of words with the word “nothing” that can be seen in the Ahodarakyo. First of all, I was able to confirm the oldest form of nai-zukushi from “Makurano-soshi(枕草子)”. It was also found that songs arranged in a jazz style became popular after the Meiji(明治) era. It was also confirmed that we used the Nai-zukushi that is not even from today’s Japanese songs and nursery rhymes. Nai-zukushi which in the Ahodarakyo in the Kanto(関東) area has a strong element of Mono-zukushi(物尽くし). It turned out that Nai-zukushi that can be seen in the Kansai(関西) area’s manzai Ahodarakyo has a strong element of character Ji-zukushi.

1. 머리말

2. 아호다라쿄와 나이즈쿠시

3. 가와라반의 나이즈쿠시와 세태 풍자

4. 근세 이전의 모노즈쿠시와 나이즈쿠시의 계보

5. 근대 이후의 나이즈쿠시와 대중가요 후렴구·지즈쿠시 언어유희

6. 맺음말

