최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

무라카미 하루키(村上春樹)의 「초기삼부작」에 표상된 죽음의 시학(詩学)

The Poetics of Death Represented in “The Early Trilogy” by Haruki Murakami: On the Space of a Rat and the Meaning of Death

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..94.016
  • 32

この論文では村上春樹の『風の歌を聞け』『(1973年のピンボール)』『羊をめぐる冒険』初期3部作の作品分析を通じて物語というものが書く作家にとってどんな意味持ち、また、読む読者にとってどんな効果があるのかについて考察をする。作品の主人公だちの内面と精神の問題に注目し、いま現代人が抱えている內面と精神の問題を春樹の初期3部作の主人公である 「鼠」の内面を主に分析して、心を病んでいる現代人にどんな形で役に立つのかについて言說を展開しながら文学が持つ効用性に接近したい。すなわち、治癒と再生について文学が心理学と精神医学とともに現代の現実問題を解決するためにどんな役割ができるのかを話頭を人々に提起する。 最終的に春樹の初期文学に欠如して言われるきた社会性という問題について疑問を提起しながら人間と社会の連関性に探求しながら、春樹という作家は登壇したはじめから社会性について小説を書いた作家であることを明らかにする。

In this article, I analyse the early trilogy by Haruki Murakami, Hear the Wind Sing, Pinball, 1973, and A Wild Sheep Chase and consider what the author construes the concept of narrative and what effects it has upon the reader. Focussing on the internal world and mind of the protagonists of these novels, I analyse how the mental world of a “rat,” a protagonist of the trilogy, is portrayed in these works in order to reveal the mental world and mental problems of contemporary people and the ways in which the literature provides them with a cure. That is, the present study raises issues in the relationship between the literature and people, especially the role that the literature, together with psychology and psychiatry, plays in solving current problems in our society. Finally, I explore the relationship between humans and societies through examination of “sociality,” a notion that is said to be absent from the early works by Haruki Murakami, and argue that the notion of sociality has been at the heart of Haruki Murakami’s novels, including his early works.

1. 들어가며

2. 『바람의 노래를 들어라』

3. 『1973년의 핀볼』

4. 『양을 쫓는 모험』

5. 나오며

