최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

否定条件形式「ナクテハ(ナクチャ)」の 非条件的用法

On the Non-conditional Uses of the Negative Conditional Form Nakutewa (Nakucha)

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..94.011
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The negative conditional form nakutewa is a primary example of the nakereba-paradigm. It is widely assumed that the two forms are of little difference in terms of grammatical behaviours, and generally speaking, their contracted forms also play a similar role in spoken language. A question then emerges: Are these forms identical in terms of their semantic functions? As revealed in the present article, nakutewa and nakereba, though quite similar in terms of their grammatical functions, exhibit several differences concerning the conditions on their uses and their grammatical functions in actual language use. In particular, their differences stand out in their non-conditional uses. Their contracted forms display similar semantic functions, but they can not be equated with their non-contracted counterparts because each form is specifically related to different uses.


2. 조사개요

3. 조사결과

4. 『ナケレバ(なキャ)』との比較


