최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Semantic Functions of thd Construction “Action-requiring Expression+Yo”: An Analysis Based on Spoken Corpus

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..94.009
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In this article, I focus on the construction “action-requiring expression +thd final particle yo,” where the “action-requiring expression,” concerns speech acts such as “order,”“request,” and “suggestion,” and present a semantic -functional analysis based on two spoken corpora, CEJC and NUCC. The forms of action-requiring expression are restricted to “the nominalised form of a verb”. “nasai”, and “tekure, tekudasai”, which were collected through the corpora under the search condition “imperative form”. I divided the data into the sentences that end with the final particle yo and those end with a “quotational or presentational” expressions(that follows yo) such as toka, mitai, nante and tte(to). The results of the analysis are summarised as follows: (i)in cases where a contrast is clear between the speaker’s right of having a compulsory effect on the addressee (strong) and the addressee’s right of accepting it(weak), the semantic functions observed are “order”, “request”, and “suggestion”. In the order of the hierarchy of compulsoriness; (ii)in cases where such a contrast is not clear, the speaker’s strong attitude is observed that reveals his/her right of having an effect on the addressee, together with negative emotive factors such as “dissatisfaction”, “criticism” and “urging”; (iii)the “strong desire” is observed when the sentence ends with the quotational/presentational expression tte hanashi-da or omou; (ⅳ)the definition of the final particle yo includes the “strengthening” or “weakening” of an order, and what is meant by “strengthening” is that as a result of the aforementioned cases (ii), the construction takes on a modality (especially, action-requiring) meaning, and what is meant by “weakening” is that the construction takes on a modality(especially, attitudinal) meaning that emphasises the speaker’s right of having a compulsory effect on the addressee.

1. はじめに

2. 선행연구

3. 話し言葉コーパスの用例調査

4. 「行爲要求+ヨ」構文の意味機能

5. まとめ

