최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고교학점제 도입과 일본어교육

Introduction of the High School Credit System and Japanese Language Education

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..94.001
  • 76

教育部は2017年、高校単位制は、生徒が進路に合わせて、多様な科目の選択·履修を可能とし、累積単位が基準に達した場合、卒業が認められる制度であると発表した。2025年から全面実施する予定の高校単位制は大学での単位履修と類似した方法で、公教育でも生徒に科目選択権を与える高校教育体制の革新政策を指す。教育部の発表によると、高校単位制は生徒が選択する教育課程の運営を通じて生徒個々の多様な能力や適性などを最大限に発揮できるように学習権を保障する制度だと受け入れられよう。しかし、教育部などの予測に反し、高校単位制の導入に対する問題点を指摘するメディア報道や教育団体などの批判的な問題提起も少なくない。すなわち、高校単位制に対する公教育現場の反応は教育部のバラ色の展望とは食い違う反応であることが分かる。 この研究では、以上のような状況に注目し、2025年全面実施となる予定の高校単位制の導入によって、日本語教育に及ぼす(まず教師の需給に関わる)環境的側面を探ることを目的とする。この研究を通し、2025年全面実施となる予定の高校単位制の下での日本語教育は十分ではないことが懸念されると言えよう。

In 2017, the Ministry of Education announced that the high school credit system enables students to learn various subjects in accordance with their future plans and that they may graduate when they earn the credits required for graduation. The high school credit system, which is scheduled to be fully launched in 2025, aims at providing students with a right to select subjects in public education as in the case of universities. According to the announcement made by the Ministry of Education, the high school credit system is meant to be a system that allows students to make most of their abilities and aptitudes by managing the course of education that is selected by students themselves. Contrary to what the Ministry of Education expects, however, there has been a growing number of criticisms raised by the media and educational organisations. That is, there is a discrepancy between what the Ministry of Education anticipates and what those who are actually involved in public education have in mind with regard to the system. The present article pays special attention to the current situation surrounding the system and explores the environmental aspects of Japanese language education (primarily, those pertaining to teacher supply) that may be affected by the introduction of the high school credit system in 2025. In conclusion, this study suggests that Japanese language education under the high school credit system, which is fully launched in 2025, will not be straightforwardly implemented.

1. 머리말

2. 선행연구

3. 고교학점제의 도입배경과 운영과정 및 일본어 관련 교과군의 선택과목

4. 고등학교 일본어 관련 교과목의 학생수요

5. 학생수업요구와 교사과목개설 불일치

6. 과목선택권 보장을 위한 대안의 검토

7. 맺음말

