This study deals with the case of online-based project learning, which was designed for the purpose of university educational innovation and enhancing learners’ competencies required by society, operated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course was applied Python programming language, team-based project learning, and intensive course system, which is required by our society and companies in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. Also it was operated as a non-face-to-face online class, which would have been operated in an offline class if it had not been for Covid 19 pandemic, to explore the possibilities and educational effects of online learning. To do this, 32 university students participated in online-based project learning during 8 weeks, and then conducted a survey. The survey results were analyzed in terms of i) non-face-to-face online learning, ii) team-based project learning, and iii) application of the intensive course system. Results say that most of the learners were satisfied with the online learning, team-based project learning, and the intensive semester system applied in this course at a high level, and also they clearly presented the reasons. Thereby, it has been confirmed that the learners were already well aware of the pros and cons of each learning method. Based on these results, the implications were discussed.
I. 서 론
II. 이론적 배경
III. S여대의 파이썬을 활용한 온라인기반 프로젝트 집중학기제 운영 사례
IV. 결론 및 시사점