최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미용종사자의 근·골격계 증상에 관한 연구

A Study on Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Cosmetologists

DOI : 10.18693/jksba.2021.22.3.85
  • 73

In this study, let s study to irradiate the symptoms of near-skeletal diseases that may occur in cosmetologists, grasp the specialized factors, and provide them as basic data for maintaining healthy occupational activities. The survey results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of frequency analysis to see whether cosmetologists have near-skeletal diseases and whether they occur within the last 3 years, 147 cosmetologists have had near-skeletal diseases within the last 3 years. 66.5%), and more than half of them have experienced skeletal diseases for the last 3 years. Second, a frequency analysis was conducted to learn about the site of skeletal disease occurrence among beauty workers. As a result, 142 shoulders (64.3%), 118 sons / wrists / fingers (53.4%), and 116 waists (52.5%), The neck was 106 (48.0%), the legs / feet were 83 (37.6), and the arms / elbows were 49 (22.2%). Third, the relationship between the experience of near-skeletal pain, the degree of pain, and the duration of pain due to changes in workload over the last three years is displayed statistically significantly on the basis of the significance level of 0.001. Correspondingly, it was found that there was an association between changes in workload over the last three years and pain in the skeletal system. From these results, we can see the fact that the majority of cosmetologists believe that work must be reduced in order to improve near-skeletal disorders. Research results Reduce the burden of work on the skeletal system related to the work performance of beauty workers In addition to improving work postures and work methods, chairs, equipment, equipment, work volume, human relationships, customer service, etc. I was able to know that change was needed. Through this research, we will try to understand the symptoms and specialized factors of near-skeletal diseases that may occur in cosmetologists and provide them as basic data for maintaining healthy occupational activities.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과

Ⅴ. 결론 및 고찰

