In this study, miscanthus with C/N ratio of 224 were applied to the soil and treated with 0 (control), 10 tons and 20 tons·ha-1 to improve the soil and promote crop growth. As a result, soil organic matter content increased from 11.0 g·kg-1 before the test to 16.3 after 3 years. Soil cation exchangeable capacity increased to 15.3 cmolc·kg-1 after 3 years. In the sweet sorghum, stem was the most thickest at 20 tons·ha-1 application of miscanthus and the highest juice amount per plant was 60 ml. The yield index multiplied by the soluble solids content of juice and juice amount was the highest at 1,913 for 10 tons application and 1,851, 1,839 for 20 tons, control respectively. Number of sweetpotato storage root were 2,9 in 20-tons application plot, the same as control, and 10-tons application plot was 3.6, the most. Two-year average yields of 20 tons plot and control were low at 2,579 kg/10a and 2,708 respectively, and 10 tons plot was the highest at 3,289. For onions, the biomass application did not effect the yield. but onion plant and leaf length were longer in 20 tons plot than in control or 10 tons. The yield of garlic was 2,630~2,901 kg/10a and there was no effect of miscanthus application. Plot of 10 tons application were the longest in plant and leaf length, and the number of scale was 8.2-8.3 per in bulb, and 8.9 tons·ha-1 in control. Therefore, it was confirmed the possibility that miscanthus biomass application of about 10 tons·ha-1 could improve the soil condition and promote crops growth and yield.
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