RNA-Sequencing을 이용한 벼 품종간 수발아 차이 분석
Analysis of Varietal Differences in Pre-harvest Sprouting of Rice using RNA-Sequencing
Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait in which seeds do not germinate under unfavorable environmental conditions. Low dormancy seeds are easily germinated under optimal environmental conditions, and these characteristics greatly reduce the yield and quality of crops. In the present study, we compared the pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) rate of two cultivars, Joun and Jopyeong, using the Winkler scale after heading day and temperature of the test. The PHS rate increased as the Winkler scale after heading day increased from 700°C to 1100°C and the temperature of the test increased. In all conditions, the PHS rate of Jopyeong was higher than that of Joun. RNA-sequencing was used to analyze the cause of the high PHS rate. We analyzed the biological metabolic processes related to the abscisic acid (ABA) metabolite pathway using the KEGG mapper with selected differentially expressed genes in PHS seeds. We found that the expression of ABA biosynthesis genes (OsNCEDs) was down-regulated and that ABA catabolic genes (OsCYP707As) was up-regulated in PHS seeds. However, the quantitative real-time PCR results showed that Joun had a higher expression of OsNCEDs than that of Jopyeong, but OsCYP707As did not yield a significant result. Joun displayed higher ABA content than that of Jopyeong not only during ripeness time but also during PHS treatment. Taken together, we provided evidence that the ABA content remaining in the seed is important to the PHS rate, which is determined by the expression level of the ABA biosynthesis gene OsNCEDs.
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