최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Study on Encouraging Learning Proses of “Guwenzhenbao”

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2021.76.76.18
  • 8


The traditional Chinese thought of “encourage learning” promotes the emergence and development of the unique Chines encouraging learning proses. As “Guwenzhenbao”, which is still popular today and has influenced the sinological research and academic circles of Korea, China and Japan, Putting Encouraging learning proses in the position of the introduction of the first volume is of great significance to the spread and development of “Guwenzhenbao”. “Guwenzhenbao” as the representative textbook of the time, the first article encouraging learning proses was a literary genre whose main function was to encourage students to learn, which was not only a high concentration of emotion and reason, but also a unique combination of literature and education. The selected essays are mainly written by famous writers of the Tang and Song dynasties. This paper expounds the ideological connotation of persuasion from the three aspects of the scientific system: orientation, content and method of persuasion, and maximizes its effect. As a work of literature, “Guwenzhenbao” s encouraging learning proses can combine the art of persuasion with the creation of literature. Its vivid character image, flexible theory mode and typical use of imagery form “Guwenzhenbao” s encouraging learning proses unique literary expression and characteristic, and form a culture of persuading learning in the history of Chinese literature. In addition, the preamble of “Guwenzhenbao” suggests the study of literature in literary creation, social culture, education and other aspects of the value of The Times can not be ignored.

1. 前言

2. 《古文真宝》劝学文的选文

3. 《古文真宝》劝学文的劝学思想

4. 《古文真宝》劝学文的艺术特色

5. 结论
