‘협의’는 제도적으로 만들어진 것이 아니라 대체로 동란의 시대에 자생적으로 형성된 것이라 본질상 ‘탈중심적’이고 ‘반사회적’인 성향을 지닌다. 본고는 협의 서사가 ‘탈중심’적이고 ‘반사회’적 성질을 보유하고 있는 󰡔사기󰡕의 「자객열전」과 「유협열전」의 협의 서사를 궁구한다. 상기한 협의 고사에서 인물들 사이에서 일어나는 행동의 연쇄를 살피면, 혹은 ‘(조건 걸기)–주고–받고–답례하기’라는 조건부 증여가 서사를 끌어가고 혹은 ‘주고-받기’라는 순수 증여가 반복되는 것을 발견할 수 있다. 따라서 ‘답례’의 발생 여부에 주의하여 ‘주고–받기’의 과정에 천착해서 조건부 증여와 순수 증여가 어떻게 서술되어 의미를 형성하는지를 규명하고자 한다.
‘Knight-errant and Justice’ was not created by the system, but by and large spontaneously during times of turmoil, and in essence tended to be “decentralized” and “anti-social”. In this paper, we observe the donation behavior based on the text of The Story of Stabber and The Adventures of the Ranger, which are not centered on the story of chivalry and have anti-social tendencies, how does the chivalrous narrative work? The Story of Stabber is a story about the murder of a victim, and the motive of the murder is to return the gift (first gift) from the client (the benefactor), so a ‘conditional gift’ occurs. And both sides have created reciprocity as both givers and recipients. In The Adventures of Ranger, the gift is given only by the Ranger, who does not expect a return from the recipient and blocks the possibility of a return, which means a ‘perfect gift’. By blocking the gift segment, the possibility of reciprocity in the gift cycle has been completely eliminated. At the same time, this paper examines not only the net function of the gift but also the reaction. The pure function of giving is to realize private justice, mutual solidarity, and reciprocity through ‘Knight-errant and Justice’, while giving has the opposite effect of being exclusive. In addition, this paper reawakened Han Bei Zi’s negative perception of ‘Knight-errant and Justice’ and showed that ‘Knight-errant and Justice’ also has aspects that undermine the public order of the nation, as well as some aspects of crime and tragedy.
1. 들어가면서
2. 「자객열전」과 조건부 증여
3. 「유협열전」과 순수 증여
4. 나가면서