최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

환경보건종합계획을 통해 살펴본 환경보건정책: 지난 10년과 향후 10년

Environmental Health Policies for the Past and Coming Decade in South Korea

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2021.47.5.379
  • 47

This paper discussed environmental health policies for the past and coming decade by reviewing the First Comprehensive Environmental Health Plan (2011~2020) and introducing the Second Comprehensive Environmental Health Plan (2021~2030). The major achievement of the First Comprehensive Environmental Health Plan was the establishment of receptor-oriented environmental health policies. However, the main limitations were insufficient policy support for relief and/or recovery from environmental pollution damage and low public awareness of environmental health policies. The Second Comprehensive Environmental Health Plan presents the following major policy tasks: establish an omnidirectional environment health investigation and monitoring system, provide customized environmental health services, improve the environmental health damage relief and recovery system, and promote regional environmental health policies. The Second Plan has a clear distinction from the First Plan in that it expands the field of environmental health from the prevention and management of environmental risk factors to proactive damage response and recovery, which will effectively contribute to alleviating the burden of environmental disease.

I. 서 론

II. 제1차 환경보건종합계획(2011~2020): 지난 10년

III. 제2차 환경보건종합계획(2021~2030): 앞으로의 10년

IV. 마치며
