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KCI등재 학술저널

Development of Identification Scale of Consumer Innovation Group to Identify Early Adopters and Promote Innovation

DOI : 10.36345/kacst.2021.39.5.009
  • 13

This study develops measurement scales that identify Roger s five innovation groups: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Especially, we have strong interest in identifying early adopters who have strong word of mouth effects and are useful target for new product diffusion. Based on prior literature. we develop a questionnaire using four major constructs: purchase timing, acquiring information, information delivery, and purchase intention. We empirically tested the measurement scales for artificial intelligence and 3D printing new technologies in Korea. For both cases, our measurement scales work well in identifying five innovation groups. Our measurement scales help greatly product marketing managers to accelerate the diffusion of their new technology by focusing on characteristics of early adopters.

I. Introduction

II. Theoretical Background

III. Questionnaire

IV. Research Model

V. Methodology

VI. Conclusion

VII. Future Research

