최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『바부르나마』의 현대 우즈벡어 및 위구르어 번역 비교 연구

The Comparative Study on Modern Uzbek and Uyghur Translation of Bāburnāma - with Focus on the Lexical Semantic Obstacles

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The goal of this research is to make a comparative study on the two translations of the Bāburnāma originally written in Classical Chagatāi: the version of Modern Uzbek language by Toshqin Bahoiy (Tāšqīn Bahāʼī, 2020) and that of Modern Uyghur Language by Hemit Tömür (1991). The two dialects are recognized as identical twins developed from dissimilar backgrounds. As the both languages evolved into modern times, therefore, we ought to examine and demonstrate the differences from Chagatāi period through comparing various manuscripts. For this purpose, I attempted a brief and lexical-semantic analysis of the two texts first. In addition, I utilized Bombay Persian manuscript (1891) translated by ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Ḵān-i Ḵānān, which is known to the oldest of the manuscripts containing the original literary style of Babur s era, and used Mano Eiji s Chagatāi critical edition that is also recognized as the best manuscript from a textual perspective. As for translation of the two versions, that of Toshqin Bahoiy is a complete Afghani-Uzbek Arabic transcription of the 2008 Uzbek-Cyrillic translation of Vohob Rahmonov and Karomat Mullaxoʻjaeva. In other words, it shows a tendency to maintain a particular structure of Modern Uzbek - heavily persianized Turkic - and the use of much Arabic loanwords and disregarding phonological rules also remain the similar in Chagatāi manuscripts. On the other hand, Hemit Tömür uses relatively more Turkic lexicons based on the Uyghur usage, a colloquial style, without damaging the meaning of the original context of Chagatāi. It also has a strong tendency of choosing concise Arabic-Persian loanwords that Uyghur readers can easily understand. But it often shows weakness in the translation of some complex meaning that require prior knowledge of Classical Persian adjectives.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ.『바부르나마』의 번역 소개

Ⅲ. 차가타이어의 특징

Ⅳ. 번역 분석

Ⅴ. 맺음말

