한국 노인의 자서전적 기억 기능 연구
Exploring Autobiographical Memory Functions in Korean Older Adults: Development and Application of the Korean Version of Thinking About Life Experiences Scale
- 대한노인정신의학회
- 노인정신의학
- 노인정신의학 제25권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2021.10
- 90 - 97 (8 pages)
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a Korean version of the Thinking About Life Experiences (TALE-K) scale and to analyze the characteristics of autobiographical memory function (AMF) in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: To develop TALE-K, a translation and back-translation procedure followed by an understanding test was performed. Then, a survey was conducted to examine the associations of AMF with psychosocial variables using TALE-K, Index of Well-Being (IWB), Meaning in Life Scale for older adults, Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey, and Brief Resilience Scale. Results: Data from 75 community-dwelling older adults were used for the final analysis. The average scores of all three subscales of TALE-K were below 3 points (less frequent than occasionally). The correlation results showed that TALE-K total score was significantly associated with IWB and the Meaning in life scale for older adults. The multiple linear regression results presented that higher AMF was significantly associated with higher IWB, along with having siblings, higher meaning in life and resilience, and lower loneliness. Conclusion: Including a validation study of TALE-K, studies for understanding the characteristics of AMF in older adults using TALE-K are needed.
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