󰡔풍정도감의궤󰡕(1630년)부터 󰡔임인[11월]진연의궤󰡕(1902년)에 이르기까지의 19종 연향 관련 의궤 및 󰡔국조속오례의󰡕와 󰡔춘관통고󰡕에 실린 연향 의주를 통해 조선 후기 연향에 쓰인 고취에 대해 살펴본 결과, 일반적으로 전후고취(殿後鼓吹)와 세장고취(細仗鼓吹)의 두 종류가 쓰였다. 전후고취는 외연(外宴)에만 쓰였으며, 말 그대로 정전(正殿) 뒤, 즉 정전 밖에 진설하는 고취로서 근처의 내전(內殿)에서 나와 정전에 이르는 동안 연주하였고, 정전 문을 들어서는 순간 고취는 그치고 헌가(軒架)가 이어서 연주하였으며, 연향을 마치고 어좌에서 내려올 때는 헌가가 연주하였고 정전 문을 나서는 순간 헌가는 그치고 고취가 이어서 연주하였다. 세장(細仗)과 함께 진설되는 세장고취는 내연(內宴)에서 왕대비ㆍ왕ㆍ왕비ㆍ세자ㆍ세자빈 등 왕실의 중요 인물의 치사를 내정전(內正殿)으로 받들고 올 때 앞에서 인도하며 연주하였다. 이동하며 연주하고 규모가 작다는 점에서 축소된 전부고취(前部鼓吹)라 할 수 있다. 1809년(순조 9) 내연부터 세장고취가 쓰이기 시작했다. 1765년(영조 41) 을유수작(乙酉受爵)은 아악과 속악을 같이 쓴 연향으로서 아악을 연주하는 등가(登歌)와 헌가 및 속악을 연주하는 전상고취(殿上鼓吹)를 진설하였다. 전상고취란 용어는 을유수작에 유일하게 나오는데, 임금이 어좌에 오르내릴 때는 전정(殿庭)에서 고취로서 연주하다가, <처용무> 절차에는 보계(補階) 위로 올라가 반주를 함으로써 전상악 역할을 했기 때문에 붙여진 명칭이다. 영조대(1724~1776)의 전후고취, 세장고취, 전상고취는 모두 ‘피리, 대금, 해금, 당적, 퉁소, 비파, 장고, 방향, 교방고’로 구성되었으며, 전후고취는 20명 미만, 세장고취는 10명 남짓, 전상고취는 20명을 훌쩍 넘었다. 주된 요인은 전상고취의 피리와 대금 수가 전후고취나 세장고취에 비해 많기 때문이다.
The normal royal professional bands employed in the royal banquets during the late Joseon period include a behind-the-hall band (殿後鼓吹) and an ensemble with a small scale emblem (細仗鼓吹). The behind-the-hall band was used only for royal court banquet (外宴). It was set up behind the main hall (正殿), and was played while the king traveled to and from the waiting chamber (內殿) and the main hall. The music was replaced with the ensemble, performed in the court yard (軒架) by the border of the main hall gate (殿門). The ensemble with a small scale emblem was employed only for the royal family banquets (內宴), while the eulogies (致詞) for important members of the royal family, such as the queen mother, the king, the queen, the crown prince, and the crown princess, were made. The band was performed along with the procession of the members of the royal family. The music was continued until they arrive to the banquet hall. The behind-the-hall ensemble was considered as a kind of front-marching band (前部鼓吹) in that, it was played while stride, although it was smaller than the front-marching band. The band with a small scale emblem existed from 1809, the 9th year of King Sunjo’s reign. In eulyusujak occasion, took place in 1765 (the 41st year of King Yeongjo’s reign), the only upper-hall band jeonsanggochwi (殿上鼓吹), which used to perform deungga and heonga including secular music, was played in the hall-garden (殿庭). The term jeonsanggochwi appears uniquely in eulyusujak. Eulyusujak was played in jeonjeong as a gochwi, while the king was ascending and descending to and from his chair (御座). During the process of <Dance of Cheoyong (處容舞)>, it was performed like an upper-hall band (殿上樂) music, as it was played in the upper-hall. The music of jeonhugochwi, sejanggochwi, and jeonsanggochwi was consisted of various instruments, such as piri, daegeum, haegeum, dangjeok, tungso, pipa, janggo, banghyang, and gyobanggo. During the King Yeongjo’s reign, less than 20 musicians served for jeonhugochwi, music, while only around 10 instrumentalists for sejanggochwi, and more than 20 performers in jeonsanggochwi were employed. This was because the number of the performers of the piri anddaegeum in jeonsanggochwi was greater than those employed in jeonhugochwi and sejanggochwi performance.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 전후고취(殿後鼓吹)와 세장고취(細仗鼓吹)
Ⅲ. 1765년(영조 41) 을유수작의 전상고취(殿上鼓吹)
Ⅳ. 맺음말