최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

포말대에서의 파랑특성을 관측하기 위한 STIV의 적용성 평가

Evaluation of the Applicability of STIV to Wave Characteristic Measurement in the Swash Zone

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2021.8.3.141
  • 7

The swash zone is an area that causes a change in the shape of a beach by generating sediment transport under the influence of intermittent waves, where wave run-up and run-down are infinitely repeated in the final stage of the shoaling process. However, the ability to predict the sediment transport is extremely poor despite the swash zone being an extremely important area in terms of offshore disaster prevention. In particular, many researchers are conducting studies on the development of various types of observation equipment and analysis techniques because the turbulent flow of active fluid dominates the sediment transport and is an extremely important parameter for the analysis of the transport mechanism. However, in flow velocity measurement, it is difficult to measure a quantitative representative flow velocity over time because the swash zone has a shallow water depth and an active turbulent flow. Expensive equipment and short-time measurement are also limitations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of nonintrusive space-time image velocimetry(STIV) to analyze the flow characteristics of fluid in the swash zone, such as the movement velocity and period of intermittent waves in the shoaling process. The prediction accuracy was improved by removing various noises included in the images with the introduction of artificial intelligence for immediate and accurate calculation of the representative flow velocity using images that can be obtained easily. Consequently, it was discovered that the spatial representative flow velocity occurring in the swash zone, change in the wave period according to the shoaling effect, rip current and surface velocity can be measured.

1. 서론

2. 해석방법

3. 모델의 결과

4. 결론 및 고찰
