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KCI등재 학술저널

장기파랑 자료수를 제어한 퇴적물이동 계산시간 감소 방안

A Method to Reduce the Calculation Time of Sediment Simulation by Controlling the Number of Long-term Wave Data

DOI : 10.20481/kscdp.2021.8.4.307
  • 10

In order to solve the difficulty of performing a numerical model using a long-term wave time series, a method of reducing wave time series was considered. And Numerical simulation of the sediment by the Delft3d model at the Maengbang Beach was conducted to verify the validity of the method. NOAA wave data were collected for about 40 years from January 1979 to May 2019. Among them, waves, which are judged to have insignificant effect on the beach, were removed and the wave time series was reduced. To this end, the entire wave time series was graded at intervals of 0.5m, period 2sec, and wave direction 10° to generate a total of 749 representative waves, and a numerical simulation of sediment was performed for each representative wave for 1 day. When the maximum sediment height was less than 0.01m/day, it was assumed that the influence of the representative wave on the area was negligible. As a result of conducting numerical simulation of the sediment using the 23-month real-time waves and the wave by the reduced time series, the difference between the two simulation results indicates a local sedimentation difference of 0.1 to 0.5 m near Deokbongsan. There is a difference in sedimentation of 0.01 to 0.1m overall, and the pattern of repeated erosion and sedimentation along the entire coast is very similar to both real-time waves and reduced time series waves.

1. 서론

2. 모델 수립

3. 단축방안 연구

4. 결론
