A Study on the Effect of Quality Management Activities on Productivity
- Management Review: An International Journal
- Vol.13 No.2
- 2018.12
- 81 - 102 (22 pages)
Companies around the world are competing to survive in the future to secure competitive advantage in the future manufacturing industry in the face of uncertainty such as the global economic crisis and the fourth industrial revolution. Leading manufacturing companies are creating new wealth by transforming manufacturing through innovations in combination with services and smart factories. This change in the business model can bring new growth opportunities through business model innovation in the hardware-oriented domestic manufacturing sector. Therefore, it is necessary for Korean companies to overcome the global economic crisis and create opportunities to preoccupy new markets and to develop strategies for the Korean economy. The government is continuously striving to support the preemptive and effective response to environmental changes at home and abroad. The Fourth Quality Management Basic Plan that we have established recently sets up a quality goal that satisfies our customers through corporate management, public organizations, and organizations through quality management and plans various tasks to establish a strategy for achieving them. In other words, the four key tasks of Building a Smart Quality Management System, Expanding the Basis for Global Quality Trends , Enhancing the Quality Innovation Capacity of Manufacturing SMEs, and Enhancing the Quality Management Infrastructure . The government has enacted a law to establish and enforce comprehensive policies on quality management every three years in order to support the efficient management of quality management. This study is to investigate the effect of quality management activities on productivity. In order to achieve this goal, the following detailed study agenda were established. First, after establishing the theoretical framework through previous research, the effect of the quality management activities of enterprises on the management performance is studied. Second, after establishing the theoretical framework through previous studies, we study the effect of the quality management activities of the enterprises on productivity. This study synthesizes the relathionship between quality management activities and productivity.