Co-operative Difference and Oganizational Commitment: The Role of High-performance Work Practices
- Management Review: An International Journal
- Vol.15 No.2
- 2020.12
- 4 - 52 (49 pages)
The relationship between human resource management practices (HRMPs) and organizational commitment remains unexplored in the specific context of financial service co-operatives (FSC). The specific principles that guide co-operatives are believed to cause a different perception of the HRMP by the employees;even when the practices are similar to those of the capitalist sector. This perceived co-operative difference would be of strategic importance for FSC as it could play a role in the relationship between HRMPs and the organizational commitment. Two objectives are drawn from this;the first being to identify the HRMPs;called high-performance work practices (HPWPs);which act as determinants of the employees’ perception of a co-operative difference;and the second;to verify the existence of a relationship between the perceived co operative difference and organizational commitment. Based on survey data;this research uses factorial modelling and shows that the co-operative difference perception is significantly influenced by practices of training;empowerment;and transformational leadership. It also demonstrates that the perception of a co operative difference plays a mediating role between HPWPs and the organizational commitment of the employees.
HR Concepts