최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

러시아-유라시아 문화에서 영혼의 개념

The Concept of Soul in Russian-Eurasian Culture

  • 11

In Central Asia and Siberia, based on indigenous beliefs such as animism and shamanism, the concept of soul has been thought to be related not only to humans but also to animals and even things. There is a view that the human soul is not one. Furthermore, the spirits of the living and the spirits of the dead are considered qualitatively different. And there is also a tendency to understand various phenomena of human life and death related to the soul. In Russia, the concept of the soul was thought to be closely related to the phenomenon of dreams, shadows, and death in folk beliefs and myths. In Russia, however, under the influence of the Orthodox worldview, the spirit concept gradually developed into a moral and valuable concept. Since the soul is understood to be the link that connects humans to God and the core of human beings, it is considered as human internal organs and identified with human beings themselves. In Russian-Eurasian culture, the soul is not limited to religious concepts, but is also understood to be the core of human-to-human relationships.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 개념의 형성과 변화

Ⅲ. 중앙아시아와 시베리아의 영혼 개념

Ⅳ. 러시아의 영혼 개념

Ⅴ. 관계의 연결고리로서 영혼에 대한 생각

Ⅵ. 결론

