Философское учение Достоевского о Церкви и человеке в интерпретации русских мыслителей рубежа XIX и XX веков
Dostoevsky s philosophical doctrine of the Orthodox Church and man in the interpretation of Russian thinkers of the turn of the XIX and XX centuries
- 경북대학교 러시아-유라시아 연구소
- 러시아유라시아연구
- 제5호
- 2021.04
- 55 - 76 (22 pages)
The article examines the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the context of his philosophical content, as it was perceived by Russian philosophers of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries - Vladimir Solovyov, Konstantin Leontiev, Nikolai Berdyaev. A meaningful emphasis is placed on the problems of the Church and man - the basis for the Orthodox worldview, in connection with which both Dostoevsky and his interpreters build their concepts. The author tries to show the diversity and polemics of Russian religious philosophy, as well as the specifics of its formal expression.