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KCI등재후보 학술저널

『이고리 원정기 Слово о полку Игореве』에 나타난 작가의 특성

Characteristics of the author in Igori Expedition

  • 57

As is known, the Igori Expedition was in 1185 when Igori Spentosrović, the reign of North Novgorod at the time, raised up a military force to defeat Polovets, a Turkish pagan nomad, but failed and was taken prisoner. The content is about staying and escaping. This work was first discovered by the ancient manuscript collector Musin-Pushkin, and Purkin s manuscript was burned during the Moscow Great Fire in 1812, and thus far, there have been numerous controversies among bachelors about the authenticity of the work. Igori Expedition has some characteristics that deviated from the general framework of other medieval literature, and provides a lot of controversy even in this background. The author of the work is also unknown, so researchers have come up with a variety of views. Some scholars argue that the author is a poet who participated in the expedition, or a woman, or Oblure, a Plovets who helped escape Igor, and so on. It is known that it is so insignificant that it is impossible to mention the authorship in medieval literary works. However, it has many characteristics that deviate from the frame of general literature in the Middle Ages, and the author who appear in the Igori Expedition also show many of the unique characteristics of author.




