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KCI등재 학술저널

초등학교 실과 교과서의 개발과 수업운영 분석

A Study on the Development of Elementary Practical Arts Textbooks and the Analysis of Its Curriculum Implementation Process

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The main idea of the 7th national curriculum is to promote and foster the development of the students creativity, moral sensitivity and a commitment to life-long learning in order to prepare them for a knowledge-based, life-long learning society. To meet such challenges and demands, the new curriculum takes a strong stance for a student-centered curriculum , whereby the abilities and aptitudes of the students are respected and various supportive measures to meet their needs are provided. Also, it takes a firm stance to be flexible enough in operating and being managed at the school level. The purpose of this study is to investigate the entire process for developing practical arts education textbooks and teacher s guidebooks and to survey the procedures of and the status on the implementation of the 7th national curriculum at the elementary school level. The elementary practical arts education textbooks for 5th and 6th grades and teacher s guidebooks based on 7th national curriculum have been developed through the year of 1999 to 2002. The textbooks and guidebooks have been developed through experimental and authorized states. The design of the structure and elaboration of the content of the practical arts education textbook, the structural principles of the textbook and the teacher s guidebook, and the allotment of time and space in the textbook according to the categories have been thoroughly decided in these two stages. The experimental version was developed first for one year. Then, it was applied into an educational field for the following year. Finally, the authorized version was accomplished after the modifications and complementary revisions were made as the result of the field experiments of the experimental version. The alternatives were suggested the change of governmental policy of textbooks, secure budget for the textbook development, prolongation of the process, and continuous research of the textbook. This study was conducted a situation-oriented analysis in cooperation with three local boards of education. Classroom observations, teacher interviews, questionnaires for teachers and supervisors were utilized and the three major criteria of interpreting the results were the three core concepts of the 7th national curriculum. Some of the research findings are as follows; First, in the process of implementation, reorganizing and elaborating on the national curriculum was found that the degree of the reorganization of the national curriculum at the local level was minimal. Second, in the institutionalization of the new curriculum ideas at the school level, most notable feature among the Practical Arts was that the emphasis was given to the reorganization of the curriculum contents fitting to the concept of student-centered curriculum. Teachers reconstructed the contents giving the priority to the needs of the learners. The concept of learner-centeredness was reflected vastly in teaching objectives, contents, instructional methods and evaluation, and various teaching and evaluation methods were fully utilized to meet such goals. To realize a learner-oriented assessment in schools, self and peer evaluation methods were utilized. For most teachers however, restructuring or reorganizing the contents meant the changing of the topics, reshuffling and/or reordering the sequences of the contents, and adding or deleting some units or topics.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 실과 교육과정의 분석

Ⅲ. 실과 교과용 도서의 개발

Ⅳ. 초등학교 실과 수업의 운영 실태

Ⅴ. 결론

