본 논문에서는 앞으로 학교 음악교육에서 중요하게 다루어져야 할 청각 인지 능력의 중요성과 그 신장 방안에 대해 살펴보았다. 어린이에게 음악 외적인 이미지 관련 모방이나 기술 습득 위주의 교육이 아닌 학생 스스로 음악을 대할 때 의미를 느끼고 생각하고 판단할 수 있는 청각 인지 능력의 습득은 현 초등 음악교육에서 무엇보다 중요하다 할 수 있다. 더불어 이러한 능력 신장을 위한 지도 방안 계획 시 Edwin.E.Gordon(이하 Gordon)의 기능학습연계를 축으로 하여 수업 연계성을 고려할 수 있도록 하였고 초등학교 3학년 2학기 수업 연계 계획을 정리하여 몇 개 제재곡의 차시별 수업안을 제시하였다. 수업 자체가 청각적 능력을 신장하는 지도 방안인 만큼 수업 방법에 있어 중요하게 언급된 수업 원리도 함께 제시한다.
Children s musical ability has always been emphasized whenever there are changes of educational curriculum. But, compared with former attitude which have priority to creative function of musical ability, what is different now is that aural ability is more focused on. This has a thread of connection with characteristic of music as an subject. That is, it means that the ability of understanding music as sound is considered as important thing. Thus, before explaining the sensible relationship about feeling and emotion of what listened and understanded on musical experience of students, it is important process of musical education in school to raise the music cognition ability which helps people listen music as grasping the relations between structure and meaning in a song. Another important concern in music education in an elementary school is setting up the sequence of entire education curriculum. If the purposes and the tasks do not have proper connection, teachers may fail to lead students into right purposes and interesting classes and even think that pleasure is the essence in music classes, which is wrong idea. In planing education curriculum of an year, in the long term, and each class, in the short term, if we can reach to the proper purposes and goals by setting the connection course as an link, teachers can have comprehensive sense to respond to the further condition with the careful view for educating. As an effort for this, in present study, for explaining about musical cognition ability and setting up educational connection to promote music cognition ability, I would suggest a guide plan for the second semester of third grade in elementary school.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 기능학습연계에 따른 청각 인지 능력 신장 지도 방안
Ⅳ. 맺음말