연구의 목적은 초등학교 국어교과서에 그림동화 도입을 제대로 하기위한 준비 과정으로, 그림동화에 대한 학생들의 반응을 분석하여 교육적 시사점을 얻는데 있다. 다매체시대 환경을 고려하여 인쇄매체인 그림동화와 영상매체인 영상그림동화가 각기 학생들의 문학 반응에 미치는 영향과 원리를 비교해 보았으며, 작품을 감상하는 전 과정과 감상 후에 내·외적으로 나타나는 인지적 정의적 지각적인 반응도 검토해보았다. 전주시 소재 초등학교 5학년 230명을 대상으로 John Burning-ham의 《우리 할아버지》를 책과 비디오로 감상한 뒤 관찰과 반응지, 면담을 통해 반응을 수집하고 분석하여 다음 세 가지 곧, 매체별 ‘비언어적 반응 양상, 구성요소별 반응 양상 및 범주별 양상’을 중심으로 검토해보았다. 그 결과 그림동화와 영상그림동화의 교육적 적용을 위한 인식의 변화, 매체 특성을 고려한 문학 수업 구성, 구체적인 문학 수업 목표 설정, 및 매체통합교육의 필요성면에서 유의미한 시사점을 얻을 수 있었다.
It is necessary to examine students perceptions and appreciations of the picture book, before applying it in the field of education. Considering the living environment and demands of children in the multimedia age, the picture book and picture book based video were used as study instruments to compare children s responses by medium type. The subjects of the study included 230 fifth year students in four elementary schools in Jeonju. The study instrument employed in this study is John Burning-ham s「GRANPA」which was well written and displays the feature of the medium clearly. The subjects of the study were divided into the picture book class and the picture book based video class. Each student in the picture book class was assigned to read one picture book and the students in the picture book based video class watched videos together for a certain amount of time. Student responses were measured using response reports. In addition, the students appreciations of the book and videos were recorded and observed. Interviews were also conducted to collect data in various ways. The students responses on the picture book and picture book based video were compared in terms of nonverbal response, response on composition factors, and response by category. This study made the following suggestions for literature education. First, perceptions on the picture book and picture book based video should be changed. Second, literature education based on the features of the picture book and picture book based video need to be conducted. Third, specific goals of literature classes should be set with the consideration of the features of the medium. Fourth, media integrating education that includes differences of medium, cognitive and aesthetic responses should be pursued.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구 설계
Ⅳ. 반응 양상 분석 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론