Reflections on East Asian culture, especially in the digital age of Chinese culture, should be the one that actively adapts to the new technological composition environment environment. Thus, the theme itself should be mindful of the digital cultural technology advancement environment in which producers and consumers interact in two directions, and should be responsive to the future of reconstructing technology forms or technologies in the field of creation and production based on technologies in traditional culture and arts. In other words, when replacing Western Enlightenment Humanism with a new human-centric humanism through nature-human-machine population transcendence, alienation from technology (carriers of extension) resulting from a mismatch between technology and human-machine relations can be eliminated and psychophysiological disconnection can be prevented. This is close to the circular way Asians used to think about nature. Heidegger s deliberation, G. Simondon s ensemble, Aura of Benjamin, Marcuse s New Science , J. Habermas probation room, two generations of lengthy discussions and arguments, and augmented reality AR. The evolution of this technology and the fundamental problem of the future of mankind are clearly in the midst of the creation of culture and art and the production and consumption of cultural products. It should be viewed as a problem of continuing to grow culture and art in the digital culture era, as a problem of content, as a problem of adaptation to new content industries such as digital Internet, virtual reality, 3D, 4D, artificial intelligence environment for interaction and ensemble.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기술 발전 형세 및 비전
Ⅲ. 결어: 다시 문화기술(CT)과 인문학에 관한 묵상