In 2021, Tokyo became the host city of the Summer Games: this is the fourth Olympics for Japan (taking into account the 1972 Winter Games in Sapporo and 1998 in Nagano) and the second for its capital. The triple East Asian Olympic Games (PyeongChang–2018, Tokyo–2020 and Beijing–2022) are precursors of Asian mega-events to come. The traction of the Asian engine grows increasingly more powerful. There should be no doubts minds that these events collectively are ascendant symbols of Asia Rising. Olympic Games can be viewed as a type of public diplomacy, where the main goal of the organizers is to attract the attention of the world audience. From this position, the Tokyo 2020 Games can be defined as a means of restoring their positions in the region. The biggest setback for the Games came from a pandemic that forced organizers to delay the event for a year, leading to ballooning costs, economic losses and political disarray. Official estimates suggested that the event and its legacy impacts would create nearly 2 million jobs and add more than $128 billion to the economy from investment, tourism and increased consumption. From the above, it can be concluded that there is no economic benefit for Japan. Weighed down by billions of dollars in cost overruns, the Games were held against the wishes of the majority of the Japanese population, who considered them unacceptable due to the public health risks due to the “COVID-19” pandemic. They pitched Tokyo 2020 as an opportunity to show the world a Japan that had shaken off decades of economic stagnation and the devastation of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that touched off the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Instead of this Tokyo got “an Olympics in a bubble”. It is believed that Japan has not been able to fully realize its intentions, but the Games, of course, were remembered in a positive way.