최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 도시 빈집을 활용한 지역사회 교류와 공동체 재구축: 타운컬렉티브하우스를 중심으로

Exchange and Reconstruction of Local Communities Using Empty Houses in Urban Areas of Japan: Focusing on the Town Collective Houses

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..95.018


This study examined use of empty houses in urban areas and exchanges of people and reconstruction of local communities based on the case study of town collective houses of Japan. In many cases, empty houses in urban areas spring up due to the absence of a person who manages such houses after inheriting his/her parents’ house after their death. Houses remain empty as parents die and such houses are used as a town collective house, but operation is stopped due to tax issues or deterioration of buildings in the course of being inherited to the next inheritor. In a town collective house, exchanges between residents or people of local communities are made usually through gatherings for meal and tea or parties at a spacious living room or restaurant. Public space in a town collective house is used as a space where mutual aid, exchanges, cultural activities of and education for people living in local communities. Exchanges between residents and people of local communities in a public space make an interpersonal relationship and lead to the reconstruction of local communities in declining urban areas.

1. 서론

2. 인구변화와 타운컬렉티브하우스

3. 타운컬렉티브하우스의 공간구성과 운영

4. 조사

5. 결론
