최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

쇼군 무네타카 친왕(宗尊親王)의 인생역정과 와카 작의의 상관관계 고찰

A Study on the Relation between the Life of Shogun Munetaka Shin’no and the Poets’ Intention of Composing Waka: Focussing on the Significance of Chushoogyoei and its Effects

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..95.011

宗尊親王は鎌倉幕府の第六代の将軍であるが、波乱万丈な人生を生きた人物である。幕府側が待ち侘びた皇族将軍として10歳で鎌倉に迎えられたが、それから15年後、幕府に対する謀反の疑いで突然将軍の座から廃される。彼は特に和歌に優れており、鎌倉歌壇の中心的な人物としても活躍していた。親王が詠んだ歌は約3000首にも至り、多数の歌集も存在する。『中書王御詠』は親王が将軍の地位から追放される前後の歌を集めた歌集で、358首のなかでこの歌集にのみ載せられている歌が241首であり、資料としての価値も高いといえる。その中でも将軍追放というあまりにも衝撃的な事件の後に詠まれた歌には親王の主観的でリアルな感情が如実に表れていると思われる。 特に帰京後の心境を詠んだ「述懐」の部分に、「憂し」「憂き身」「憂き世」という歌語が多くみられるが、それはほかならぬ当時の親王の苦しく辛い状況の表出であろう。一方、栄辱を味わった宗尊親王の、人生の最も劇的な瞬間に作られた歌を、また為家に合点や評詞を求めて集めたということでは、親王の和歌に対する熱意をも感じられる。

Munetaka Shin’no, the sixth shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, overcame a number of drastic events in his life. He ascended the throne in Kamakura as an emperour shogun when he was 10, but 15 years later after this ascension, he was dethroned all of sudden due to the suspect of treason. He particularly excelled in composing waka, and he was one of the central figures in the waka-world of the Kamakura era. He composed about 3,000 waka songs, including a number of waka collections. The waka collection Chushoogyoei includes the waka songs composed around at the time when Munetaka Shin’no abdicated. This collection includes 358 waka songs, and of these, 241 waka songs are included only in this collection; the collection is thus seen as a valuable resource. Especially, the waka songs composed after he abdicated vividly portray his subjective and real emotions. In particular, the part “jukkai,” which describes his feelings after he returned to the capital, contains a number of waka terms such as ushi, ukimi, and ukiyo; these words reflect his bitter emotions at the time. On the other hand, the collection also conveys his exuberant attitude towards waka in that it includes the waka songs created when he experienced the most drastic events and that it is based on the criticism from Tameie.

1. 들어가며

2. 비운의 쇼군 가인의 일생

3. 『쥬쇼오교에이』 의 구성과 특징

4. 쇼군 추방과 『쥬쇼오교에이』

5. 결론
