최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

피폭여성문학자 하야시 교코(林京子)의 원폭문학

The Atomic-Bomb Literature of Kyoko Hayashi(林京子): Focusing on the Silence and the Testimony of Subaltern Atomic Bomb Woman Victims Standing Against the Criminality of Atomic Bomb (Political Authority)

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..95.010

本論文では、林京子の原爆文学『無きが如き』を中心にサバルタン女性被爆者の表象を通じて沈黙と証言の意味を考察したもので、次のようにまとめることができた。 まず、長崎の娘は、被爆者でも非被爆者でも被爆者の運命、長崎の運命を​​背負って地獄のような終りのない8月9日を過ごしていた。ここでは、「8月9日」、「長崎」、「原爆」が結び付いて、社会からの偏見や差別に苦しみながら沈黙していた。 そして、サバルタン被爆者は、原爆の危険性、犯罪性をあらわすだけではなく、逆に原爆が無害性を反証する絶望感を感じていた。しかし、サバルタン女性被爆者は生き残った罪悪感と不思議の中で生き残った使命を覚えて長い沈黙を破って、8月6日、8月9日に声を出しはじめている。 最後に、林京子の原爆文学は政治権力に対抗し、時空を超えて人類の生存を脅かす核(原爆)の犯罪性を想起させる作業であったと評価することができる。ここでは、原爆神話崩し、そして戦争体験の風化、原爆体験の風化の警鐘でもある。

This paper examines the meanings of silence and testimony through the reproduction of Subaltern atomic bomb woman victims, around Kyoko Hayashi’s atomic literature, 󰡔Nakigagotoki (無きが如き)󰡕. The findings of the present study can be summarized as follows: First, the daughters of Nagasaki, who suffered from the fate of atomic bomb victims, whether they were atomic bomb victims or not, underwent hellish and unended August 9. They have become silent about the disastrous scene of the day, as they have been annoyed by the restraints including ‘August 9’, ‘Nagasaki’ and ‘atomic bomb’, as well as social prejudice and discrimination. Second, they despaired of the fact that the ‘survival’ of Subaltern atomic bomb victims does not only reflect the risk and criminality of atomic bombs but also its harmlessness ironically. Subaltern atomic bomb woman victims, however, remembered the mission of people who survived in the guilty of the survival and the mysterious fate. In August 6, they broke long silence and began to speak out about August 8. Third, Kyoko Hayashi’s atomic bomb literature attempts to remind us of the criminality of nuclear weapons (atomic bomb) threatening the survival of human beings, by transcending time and space. Her literature ultimately may be a resistance to the political authority favorable toward nuclear weapons. It is also a warning against breaking the myth of atomic bombs and the weathering of war and atomic bomb experiences.

1. 들어가며: 히로시마(広島), 나가사키(長崎), 피폭자

2. 원폭의 위험성과 무해성의 산증인: 정치권력에 대항하는 서벌턴 ‘생존’ 피폭자

3. ‘여자’ ‘가타리베’의 대항서사

4. 서벌턴 여성 피폭자(ヒバクシャ)의 침묵과 증언

5. 나가며
