최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

에도시대 징비록 판본의 인출과 유통

Printing and Circulation of Jingbirok during the Edo Period

本稿では、壬辰倭乱(文禄ㆍ慶長の役)当時、領議政ㆍ都體察使ㆍ明軍接伴使など、國政と軍政、外交の最高責任者であった柳成龍(1542~1607)の『懲毖錄』が日本に何時ㆍどう輸入され、また和刻本として出版ㆍ流通されたのかについて、出雲寺和泉掾の後刷本を中心に考察した。 朝鮮で十六巻本の『懲毖錄』が刊行されてから約30年後、福岡藩の儒学者であった貝原益軒(1630~1714)が編纂した『黒田家譜』(巻之七、1678年)に『懲毖錄』の名が見えている。一部ではあるが、対馬藩宗家の「天和三年御書物帳」(1683)、伊藤東涯の『鶏林軍記』(1687)、松下見林の『異称日本伝』(1693)などにも引用され、元禄8年(1695)に二巻本『懲毖錄』を四巻にし、朝鮮の行政区域表ㆍ朝鮮地図ㆍ貝原益軒の序文を付して京都の大和屋伊兵衛で四巻本『(朝鮮)懲毖錄』が刊行される。 和刻本『(朝鮮)懲毖錄』を刊行した大和屋伊兵衛の3代目には子が無く、天明期には廃業したので、『(朝鮮)懲毖錄』の版権及び版木は出雲寺和泉掾の所有となった。商業的な目的で版木の売買が盛んであった江戸時代の出版事情から、以前の書肆名と刊記を残したまま、四巻本『(朝鮮)懲毖錄』は新しく版権を受け取った出雲寺和泉掾の広告を付け加える形で明治時代まで刊行ㆍ流通されたのである。

The present article analyses when and how Jingbirok, authored by Ryu Seong- Ryong(1542-1607), the Chief Executive Official in terms of national and military administrations and diplomacy, was imported to Japan during the Japanese invasions of Korea. For this purpose, this study examines the subsequently printed version of Izumo-ji Izumi-no Jo. About 30 years after Jingbirok(16 volumes) was published in Chosun, Kaibara Ekken(1630-1714), a Confucian scholar in the Fukuoka domain, compiled Kuroda- Kafu. In the seventh volume(1678), the name Jingbirok appears. Part of this book was cited in Tenna Sannen Goshomotsu Cho(1683), written by the head family of the Tsushima domain, Keirin Gunki(1687), written by Togai Ito, and Isho Nihon- den(1693), written by Rinken Matsushita. In 1695, the two volume Jingbirok was made into the four volume work, complemented with the table of Chosun’s administrative areas, the map of Chosun, and the forward by Kaibara Ekken. This four volume book, named (Chosun) Jingbirok, was published by Yamato-ya Ihee in Kyoto. The third generation of Yamato-ya Ihee, who published (Chosun) Jingbirok, had no child, and it closed their business in the Tenmei era. Therefore, the copyright of (Chosun) Jingbirok and its printing block were devolved to Izumo-ji Izumi-no Jo. Reflecting the situation of the Edo period, where people were actively engaged with merchandising of printing blocks for commercial purposes, the four volume (Chosun) Jingbirok was published with the addition of advertisements for Izumo-ji Izumi-no Jo, which received the copyright, and it was printed and circulated until the Meiji era.

1. 들어가며

2. 에도시대 징비록 의 일본유통

3. 大和屋伊兵衛와 出雲寺和泉掾(後印本)의 판본

4. 나오며
