최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

코로나19이후 강의방식에 따른 학습효과 비교

A Comparison of Learning Effects of Lecture Methods after COVID-19: Focussing on Lectures on the Japanese Language and Japanese Linguistics

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2021..95.005
  • 35

本研究は、日本語講座と日本語学講座とを対象にし、講義方式による学習効果に関する学生たちの認識を調べたものである。書く、読む、聞く、話すといった相互作用が多い日本語講座と理論の説明と理解が主になる日本語学講座とは講義方式によって学習効果は異なる可能性があると思ったからである。対面講義と非対面講義とを経験したことのある学生たちを対象に調査した結果、日本語講座では対面講義を、日本語学講座では非対面講義のほうが学習効果が高いという学生たちの認識とその理由について明らかにすることができた。 また、講義方式に対する学生たちの一般的な認識と今後の‘with corona’に備えるため非対面講義の改善点についても調べた。学生たちは出席の便利性、講義内容の録画など記録の容易性、教材購入が必要のない経済性などの理由で対面よりは非対面講義をもっと好む傾向を見せた。ただ、学生たちはパソコン、マイクなど受講環境の整備、課題による学生の怠慢防止、評価の公正性などは今後の‘with corona’に備えるための非対面講義の改善点としてあげている。

In this study, we investigated students’ perceptions of the learning effects of lecture methods for lectures on the Japanese language and Japanese linguistics. This is because I thought that the learning effect may differ depending on lecture methods between lectures on the Japanese language which have many interactions such as writing, reading, listening, and speaking, and lectures on Japanese linguistics which mainly explain and understand theoretical issues. As a result of a survey of students who have experienced face-to-face lectures and non-face-to-face lectures, it has turned out that students think that face-to-face lectures are more effective in Japanese language education and non-face-to-face lectures are more effective in the case of Japanese linguistics. I was able to clarify the reason for this difference. We also investigated the general perceptions of students about lecture methods and improvements in non-face-to-face lectures in preparation for ‘with corona’. Students tended to prefer non-face-to-face lectures to face-to-face lectures because of the convenience of attendance, ease of recording such as recording lecture contents, and economic efficiency that does not require the purchase of teaching materials. However, the students cite the improvement of learning environments such as computers and microphones, the prevention of student negligence based on assignments, and the fairness of evaluation as points for improving non-face-to-face lectures to prepare for ‘with corona’.

1. 연구 내용

2. 선행 연구의 검토

3. 연구 방법

4. 설문조사 결과 분석

5. 학생들이 생각하는 강의방식에 관한 일반적 인식

6. 맺음말
