최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

19-20세기 러시아 문학 속 ‘사랑의 테마’ 개관

  • 26

Love is a universal and personal relationship to humanity with the fundamental emotions of human beings and the power that enables communion with values of other’s personality. In particular, it can be regarded as a concept of confrontation of hate, but it also includes such an underlying vital principle. Love takes many aspects, both historically and geographically. The concept of Russia Eros was born at the boundary of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the Russian philosophy of the late 19th century and early 20th century, Eros attempted to uncover the rational aspects of human nature with the mental and emotional aspects and to reveal the human spiritual realm. Although it may be a little sketchy to draw a romantic and beautiful figure of love, russian writers have a variety of different aspects of love, such as love and desire, greed, the problem of pleasure, physical love and spiritual love, And it is still drawing sympathy in the modern age. Especially, in the 19th century of russian literature, the theme of love and women has great significance not only in terms of personal but also in social aspect. The love between the characters in the work reflects not only the personality and psychology of the individual but also the characteristics and contradictions of the historical development, the universal character of the people at that time

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