This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of soldiers and armies, focusing on Gogol`s Mirgorod, which is based on the past and present of Little-Russia, and to study imagery of soldiers and their life-problems in this process. Gogol created many types of characters. The imagery of a Small Human and a Russian landowner is a representative example. These types of character are very important in Russian literature and have attracted the attention of many scholars. In the works set in Little-Russia, various figures of soldiers appear. In Mirgorod, the soldiers are clearly distinguished in contrast to the past and the contemporary. While the soldiers of the past have a collectiveness and historicism, the contemporary owners have a individuality and fragmentation. Although it shows different feature depending on the times, the soldiers and armies reflect the glory and dream of the past.
1. 들어가며
2. 소러시아의 병사-군대의 특수성
3. 병사-카자크의 형상
4. 소지주에게 전쟁과 병사의 의미
4. 마치며