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KCI등재후보 학술저널

문화코드로서의 러시아-유라시아 지역의 연극

  • 22

In Russia-Eurasia, theater is a special cultural code that provides insight into contemporary political, social, and cultural environments through art genres. Russia began to play in earnest from the 19th century, and developed rapidly to lead the flow of world theater in the early 20th century. The basis for this growth was the special interest of the Russian royal family and nobles who actively imported and enjoyed European culture, especially the genre of art as an entertainment of the aristocracy, since the 18th century. After the socialist revolution, the play enters a revival not only in Russia but also in the Soviet-Eurasian region. Because of the full support of the revolutionary government, which made theater a powerful propaganda tool for the enlightenment of the masses. During the Stalin era and during World War II, the local drama was a powerful propaganda tool for the government, but the genre that reacted most actively during the post-Stalelin thaw was also a play. Modern dramas in Central Asia have been created since the 19th century with the aim of spreading Russian and Soviet cultures. But the play in the area made the public aware of its independence and national identity. Today there are drama theaters in almost every city in Russia-Eurasia. Performed almost every day, it is still one of the favorite entertainment destinations of the region.

1. 서론 – 연극의 나라 러시아

2. 19세기 러시아 연극 – 오락에서 예술로의 승화

3. 혁명과 연극 – 1920-30년대의 소비에트 연극

4. 소비에트 해빙기 시절의 연극: 독립적 예술 장르로서의 연극

5. 중앙아시아 지역의 연극
