최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

색 형용사의 의미적 확장

  • 6

This paper is dealing with adjectives denoting colors. These color-words are used in figurative meaning and symbolic meaning. Also these color-words have new meaning through transfer of meaning, especially in neologism. Color is one of the vocabulary that is used most in our daily lives. And color-naming words denote not only the elementary color nature, but also its figurative meaning. Furthermore, when color is used as a symbol, it sometimes loses the connection with elementary color nature, and presents the abstract. However, newly acquired meanings have any connections with the elementary ones by cognitive inference. On the other hand, in some symbolic uses, the meanings of color-words may acquire specific meanings due to cultural or social specificities. These are likec religion, social system, superstition and lifestyle. Therefore, through the study of color vocabulary, it is possible to know not only the simple semantic and lexical features of color-words, but also the connection with the culture and color.

1. 서론

2. 색의 의미 확장

3. 색 어휘의 특정성

4. 결론
