최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

도스토예프스키의 소설 『분신』 연구

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The factors leading to Golyakin s delirium include social reality as well as his psychological frustration. It is possible to interpret The Double in a social-critical context, if we think that the power to drive the protagonist out of his realm of life and lead him into a delirium is the reality of the Russian society of the 1840s, represented by his alter ego. The first person to discover a social theme in The Double is N.A. Dobroluvov. Such as him, interpreting The Double in the context of critical realism, is an attempt to show an important aspect of this work. As we have seen, Golyadkin s psychosis was caused by his inner psychology and external social reality. His mental illness, developed from chapter 2, eventually leads to psychosis in chapter 11. Due to the psychological and social conditions that influence this process, Dostoevsky s novel The Double is expanded from a psychological work showing an individual s inner world to a social novel dealing with Russian reality. The process of the collapse of the little man s desire to belong to the upper society, and the process of alienation from life by social reality in the 1840s, ultimately raises the question of the value of an individual in historical destiny. Dostoevsky s The Epic of Petersburg is on the line of connection with Pushkin s The Bronze horseman, that is also a little man story in the history unfolding in the background of Petersburg. This issue, which has been constantly attracting attention since the appearance of little man in Russian literature, was newly revised in The Double, and became an important topic of later writers such as Chekhov, Pasternak, Bulgakov and so on.
