The article is dedicated to the philosophical and cultural analysis of the modern meta cultural discourse. The authors draw attention to the heuristic potential of studies that consider intercultural communication as an interaction mediated by signs. They show that communication passes through the prism of a particular culture and society, therefore, the meanings of the same sign vary. It brings forth a number of problems pertaining to the interaction of cultures, often accompanied by a mismatch of thesauri and cultural codes, difficulties in concepts translating, as well as the dependence of the meaning production on interpretation and context. The article summarizes variants for using the term discourse in scholarly literature and focuses on understanding discourse as a system of meanings transmitted by language. It opens up perspectives for analyzing the essence and technologies of language manipulation used in global media discourses. Basing on theoretical conclusions and specific examples, the authors substantiate the thesis that language is not only a means of communication but also the most important instrument of power in modern society. In conclusion, it is inferred that the concept of discourse is important for a productive study of the contemporary multicultural world.
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