배 ‘만풍배’와 ‘대원홍’ 종간 교배 후대에서 주요 과실 형질 유전 분석
Genetic Analysis of Fruit Traits in Interspecific Hybrids Derived from a Cross between ‘Manpungbae’ and ‘Oharabeni’ Pear (Pyrus spp.)
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.53 No.4
- : KCI등재
- 2021.12
- 373 - 379 (7 pages)
Interspecific hybridization is a valuable approach to generate genetic variation and to introgress desirable genes. The objective ofthe current study was to estimate the heritability and correlation coefficient of several fruit traits for three years (from 2016 to 2018) usinga set of 178 interspecific F1 populations developed from a cross between ‘Manpungbae’ (Pyrus pyrifolia) and ‘Oharabeni’ (P. pyrifolia × P. communis). For ‘Manpungbae’, the average values of fruit weight, length, diameter, fruit shape index, and soluble sugar content for the threeyears were 967.8 g, 109.0 mm, 125.7 mm, 0.87, and 13.4 °Brix, respectively. The average values for ‘Oharabeni’ were 268.2 g, 75.2 mm, 81.4mm, 0.93, and 9.9 °Brix, respectively. The average values and heritability for three years in F1 progenies were 222.0 g and 85.55%, 67.3mm and 84.14%, 75.4 mm and 81.18%, 0.89 and 79.33%, and 10.7 °Brix and 77.75%, respectively. Among the five fruit traits we surveyed,the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between three traits (weight, length, and diameter) were highly significantly positive (over 0.8) for thethree years.
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