The Netherlands’ contemporary Art Furniture has drawn large attention from design and art fields all around the world because of Dutch designers’ intriguing themes and ex-perimental approaches. Its successful achievement not comes from certain policies or person-alities, but the result of ceaseless internal criticisms and self examinations. After World War Ⅱ, Modernism was the most common notion of furniture design for mass production in the Netherlands like other nations, but Dutch designers and critics put modernist canon up for dis-cussion since 1960s. They have searched counter modernist design for expression of human ele-ment and warmth using art works, craft, and Postmodernism theory, etc. Throughout design de-bate of modernism, free design, design as art and conceptual design, now we could observe Dutch designer’s unique and distinguished Art Furniture in the influential places. By analyzing the development of the Netherlands’ contemporary Art Furniture in chronological sequences, we could understand them better and learn something useful to Art Furniture in South Korea.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 네덜란드의 모더니즘에 대한 비판과 극복
Ⅲ. 1980년대 이후 네덜란드 아트퍼니처의 전개
Ⅳ. 결론