Lacquer has a high value as a coating of typical arts and crafts in East Asia including Korea, Japan, and China and traditional representative of the gorgeous satin that is fit to the cultural conditions of each region. Lacquer is harmless to the human body and its robustness, preservatives, moth proofness, and strong heat resistance can maintain a long life. It seems that it will be able to make a significant contribution to create a variety of products if we con-tinually study and raise the productivity and quality of the goodness of these lacquer. In this context, we reviewed the Pitae lacquer wares, which is one of the lacquer of traditional techni-ques that can be applied to the development of daily necessities and cultural product. Joining the goodness of harmless and environment-friendly lacquer and the characteristics of the leather that can produce a variety of physical beauty can develop household goods of tradition and modernity in harmony. It is worthwhile re-interpreting the tradition in the aspect that we can develop our culture from a modern, plastic, and artistic point of view.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 피태칠기의 일반적 고찰
Ⅲ. 칠피의 제작과정
Ⅳ. 결론