This article is to develop test product as adopting motifs from Andong Hahoe Village registered in the UNESCO World Heritage. This study associates physiographic features and images of Hahoe Village with test product. In the research result of this study, the value of product and possibility of success of test product was found as follows. Firstly, Making the puz-zle-oriented Desk Service Hahoe Village views by using 22 different styles & functional artworks. Secondly, Producing the tangible forms such as a tree, thatched cottage, arbor, tile-roofed house and ferryboat by casting technique. Thirdly, Designing the shape of the terrain by utilizing computer programing softwares such as CAD drawings and ARTCAM. Finally, Developing the mass-produce goods reflecting region historical and cultural characteristics. I ex-pect this study may increase of interest of our country s culture and play several roles of the bridgehead for product development. Also I reconsider sensitivity recovery of users and our cul-tural value increase.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 데스크 서비스 문화상품의 의의
Ⅲ. 안동 하회마을의 고찰 및 문화상품의 문제제기
Ⅳ. 국내 및 해외 문화성품의 우수사례
Ⅴ. 디자인 제안
Ⅵ. 결론