Furniture should change according to space. Therefore, it is important that the flexi-bility of the furniture, the functional efficiency, the economical efficiency and the convenience of the furniture of today. These characteristics are also important for seminar tables that are used temporarily by a large number of people. The seminar furniture currently in use has no shielding plate, there are two forms of table and shielding plate folding table. Therefore, in this research, furniture design and product development that can complement the shortcomings of the seminar furniture currently in use were done. Analysis of problems through overseas inves-tigation and domestic market research, design planning and design, and prototyping. We have sought to optimize the volume by applying the characteristics of RTA furniture to develop a lightweight, lightweight, lightweight, easy to install and easy to use shielding plate, and open and closed system. Basically developed two types of shielding board seminar table basic shape and Roll Screen type, we expanded the scope of application such as each color and pattern. In order to reduce the weight, we replaced the parts such as anchor bolts and hinges and the shielding plate with Roll Screen and pursued volume optimization. As a result of this research, it is expected that the system of mechanisms such as packaging standardization and damage prevention for weight reduction and volume optimization will contribute to building com-petitiveness by domestic office prefabricated furniture industry’s original technology.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. RTA가구의 특성 및 현황분석
Ⅲ. RTA 세미나 가구 개발 및 제작
Ⅴ. 결론